Will to Progress

Los Angeles Blue Line Station at Firestone

Three column view of total six panels. Each of similar dimensions upon three structural concrete columns for the street level station entrance. Honoring and celebrating perseverance and a contemplation of Journey with content and color.

A literal and metaphoric utilization of the mosaic as a representation of Los Angeles and a heroic notion of perseverance and purpose.

MTA Blue Line Station at Firestone Proposal Written Narrative

Aesthetic considerations: My initial response is in maintaining a visual connectivity between all three structural columns increasing impact and allowing them to work together. I noticed the stations entrance echoes the vertical and horizontal rhythms established in the columns in the
peripheral design. I’ve chosen to emphasize this feature in my color treatments and formal articulation of the column.

Thematic: Conceptually the work speaks to themes present in the community profile. Comments regarding the riots, working class, the desire to create stronger community ties and my own responses to the site have focused my attention on three major themes. Perseverance or triumph of the will, working and contributing together, and an allegorical treatment of journey and our links to neighborhoods. I wanted the work to resonate optimistically bringing color with content in the day to- day struggle of making ends meet as conveyed with the strength and perseverance in the dual figuration panels lifting the architectural element of the bridge. I’m presenting compositions that are intentionally non-specific of race while promoting gender equality. The Central panel column figures are intended as contemplations upon notions of journey.

Metaphor and application: I’ve taken the opportunity to allow the mosaic tile medium itself to become a metaphor. I plan to draw attention to the physicality of the individual tile by applying inlay technique, and varying as well as exaggerating the scale. Also the figurations are composed of rhythmic tile coursing. I plan to implement elements of text (inlayed tile) along paths between the spherical forms of the central column. Notions of Journey will be featured, originally conceived to evolve from community process facilitating local youth and seniors with the use of poetry. The spheres will move around the total form of the column and upper Horizontal support. Also the two end columns will shift in color from Compositions in blue on the south and compositions in greens on the North of Graham Ave. I want to provide a conceptual link to the light rails general path to the ocean on the south and towards the Angeles Forest on the north


  • 2004

Commissioned by

  • The Metropolitan Transportation Agency of Los Angeles, MT


  • Firestone Metro Blue Line Station, community of Wilmington, Los Angeles, Ca.